
METRO, 30 April 2024: ‘The way we all do job interviews could be about to majorly change’

Below is a short excerpt.

In addition to helping reduce anxiety around job interviews, which is a major win for all of us, Victoria McLean, the CEO and founder of career consultancy City CV, claims it will also help ‘improve the diversity of candidates applying’ for jobs.

‘Having questions in advance can really help neurodivergent people, such as those with autism or dyslexia, people who suffer from anxiety, or even those who are natural introverts,’ she said.

‘The National Autistic Society recommends that employers provide questions a few days in advance, as autistic people can have more difficulty processing information quickly, so I think it’s a positive move. Anything that helps with inclusivity in the recruitment process has got to be a good thing.’

The article can be read in full here.

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