
Engagement & Retention Programmes

The war for talent is a worldwide challenge. COVID and Brexit have brought new and unexpected ways of working, general uncertainty and a global economic downturn. Ambitious professionals are increasingly mobile. This leaves a skills gap in the market. With such scarcity of talent, organisations need to hold on to their best people.

The average cost of replacing each professional employee is 213% of their annual salary – that’s £213,000 to replace a single employee earning £100,000 per year. This includes recruiting, on-boarding and training and doesn’t take into account the cost to the business of lost knowledge, networks, relationships and the impact on productivity.

Losing talent is costly. Pre-emptive intervention is the solution.

Engaging and retaining your talent is a win-win

With over 40% of the global workforce considering leaving their employer this year, a proactive approach is critical for staff engagement. Talent retention is the best way to drive your business forward.

We will help you focus on your high performers, provide a path to career fulfilment and enable all your employees to thrive and achieve their full career potential – with you.

  • Maximise productivity
  • Reduce attrition
  • Slash absenteeism
  • Raise performance
  • Increase engagement
  • Prioritise wellbeing and mental health

We provide practical, proactive career development support for all your staff, from board level, executives and management through to back office and beyond.

Call +44 (0)20 7100 6656 or email our expert team for a confidential discussion on how our Engagement & Retention programmes can help drive your business forward.

Our engagement and retention services are bespoke

We know how hard it can be to hold on to your top talent and the impact on your business when they leave. Our bespoke packages offer an end-to-end solution to assist with every aspect of your employees’ career development. We combine career and executive coaching with our weekly programme of masterclasses, underpinned by our state-of-the-art Career Refinery Portal & App.

City CV’s Employee Engagement & Retention Programmes make it easy to engage and inspire your people, helping them succeed and craft their own career story with you.

Three complete programmes

Essentials Engagement & Retention Programme

Professional Engagement & Retention Programme

Executive Engagement & Retention Programme

Career Refinery Portal & App

Blending psychometrics, e-learning, personal branding, and transition support, the Career Refinery Portal & App combines interactive tools and valuable resources to equip your employees for each stage of their career.

With insights on the latest tools and techniques to promote self-development, better mental health, and enhance wellbeing, this is a robust and sustainable way to build knowledge, confidence, and self-awareness at every level.

CV Refinery App
Employee Engagement & Retention Programmes

Career & Executive Coaching

67% of Gen X professionals would like more external coaching. They crave the insight, knowledge and guidance of coaches from outside their organisation. An external, impartial careers expert provides a safe space for people to discuss ideas, real feelings and ambitions.

In addition, your leaders are required to be productive, balancing business deliverables with nurturing teams, keeping people engaged and motivated while demonstrating clear direction. That’s not always easy, especially in the current environment.

Our career and executive coaches will fully support your people from C-suite to back office. We help them overcome challenges, pain points and issues to excel in their performance and achieve career fulfilment.

The more you invest in your people, the greater the returns.

Measuring impact

The Career Refinery’s intuitive ‘My Career Journey’ function assesses employee confidence for specific attributes, provides learning programmes, a prescribed set of activities to work through, followed by an updated measure of progress.

It’s an amazing way to track trends in career confidence and monitor the success of the programme.

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Workshops & Webinars

We work with businesses who want to implement an ongoing support system for staff throughout their careers. In all instances we can provide interactive group workshops and in-depth masterclasses. These are a cost / time-efficient and effective way of helping a large number of people at once.

Group workshops and masterclasses provide your employees with the skills, techniques and confidence they need for career success.

Wellbeing & Mental Health Support

City CV offers vital practical and emotional support. We regularly run mental health masterclasses and have almost 100 wellbeing-related e-learning modules and articles on the Career Refinery Portal & App.

Our Wellbeing & Mental Health Support Helpline provides a safe space ‘outside the workplace’ where employees can freely discuss any issues or concerns around their personal or professional life. We put
your people in touch with one of our wellbeing coaches. They offer short term 30-minute wellbeing sessions and will advise on referrals if necessary.

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“The support City CV gave to my team and I, at a very difficult time, was invaluable.

City CV’s practical advice and compassionate approach helped my staff feel better prepared for the changes they were facing and more positive about their future prospects.”

Alison Newman

Head of Finance Business Partnering, British Airways

“City CV are a natural partner for us. Their specialist team have provided practical and emotional support to our people when they needed it most. The feedback has been extremely positive.”
Sue Stephens

Senior Resourcing, Pizza Hut Restaurants

“City CV’s knowledge and experience and the support they provided has made a huge difference to those that have used the service.”
Jane Howkins

Head of Talent and Resourcing, Moto Hospitality Ltd