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Do interviews leave you feeling uneasy, underprepared or unsure of how to showcase your best self? Are you stuck in a loop of missed opportunities, wondering how to stand out and seal the deal? You’re not the only one. On average, people apply for 27 roles before they land just one interview.

But don’t worry – you’re in the right place. Whether it’s been years since your last interview, you’re chasing a promotion or new role , or simply trying to stay sharp, this free one-hour masterclass will give you the edge to win your next role.

Pitch perfect: Turn interviews into offers

Your interview isn’t just a conversation – it’s a marketing pitch where you’re the product. Discover how to demonstrate your value, convince employers you’re the best investment they can make, and leave them thinking, “We’d be foolish not to hire you.” In this jam-packed session, Victoria McLean, Founder & CEO of City CV, guides you through the art of wowing interviewers. With a proven track record of helping people at all career levels secure their dream roles, Victoria brings decades of expertise, countless success stories and award-winning career strategies to the table.

What you’ll learn:

  • Sell your story, own the room. Craft a compelling narrative that aligns your unique value with what the interviewer wants most.
  • Master the hidden agenda. Build a strategy that keeps you on the front foot, turning every question into a chance to spotlight your key selling points. 
  • Prove you’re worth every penny of investment. Frame your achievements to meet employer expectations and showcase your worth.
  • Know the pitfalls. From waffling to poor body language to “push” factors, learn how to avoid the common mistakes that cost 95% of candidates the job.
  • Conquer anxiety. Overcome nerves with practical techniques, body language tips and the knowledge that interviewers actually want you to succeed.