
Managing Menopause in the Workplace

Menopause isn’t limited by age or gender – it’s something that will touch your whole organisation in some way. That’s why it’s important for everyone to be part of the conversation.

Menopause Awareness Month in October is a valuable opportunity to educate your team. While it’s important year-round, this month provides the perfect chance to shine a light on menopause and explore how to manage it effectively and empathetically.

Transformative Workshops for Employees & Leaders

No longer stigmatised as a taboo to be handled behind closed doors, menopause deserves attention and care in the workplace.

Find out how we can support your DE&I efforts during Menopause Awareness Month?

Get in touch to discuss what you need.

Victoria Mclean

Looking for a way to mark Menopause Awareness Month
with your team?
We can help.

Let Victoria McLean – international keynote speaker – deliver specially crafted sessions that highlight the impacts of menopause at work and how to create a more confident, inclusive and productive environment.

“An excellent and informative presentation which should be rolled out to all organisations. It is great to see menopause finally being addressed and women pushing this agenda for the good of all.”

How We Can Help You

Workshop 1: Be the change: Period. Menopause and the workplace. 

For HR teams, business owners and leaders.

Menopause is more than a personal issue – it’s a workplace issue that affects motivation, productivity and employee retention.

This workshop addresses the critical facts that leaders need to know about menopause and how to positively manage the impacts on your team.

What you’ll learn:

  • The significant effect of menopause on your whole team.
  • How the lack of support can result in losing top talent, creating an experience gap and hindering career progression.
  • The connection between menopause and DE&I initiatives and how to better align your policies.
  • Practical strategies to support employees during menopause, leading to a more engaged and confident workforce.
  • How addressing menopause in the workplace can directly improve your bottom line.

Understanding menopause is essential for your organisation. You’ll leave with easy-to-implement actions to create a more empathetic, inclusive work environment and prevent the loss of valuable talent.

This training is relevant to all genders.

Format: 60- or 90-minute interactive workshop
Delivery: Available in-person or on Zoom

Back-to-back sessions available for Workshop 1 and 2.

Workshop 2: Breaking the workplace taboo: Menopause and your career. 

For all employees.

The menopause affects everyone within the workplace and has an untold negative impact on staff morale, productivity and retention – ultimately affecting business performance. 

This workshop provides your team with practical guidance to manage menopause, support others and maintain their careers.

What you’ll learn:

  • Understanding peri-menopause, menopause and post-menopause.
  • How menopause can affect confidence, productivity and well-being at work.
  • Effective strategies and techniques for managing menopause at work.
  • Actionable solutions and real-life examples from women who have experienced menopause. 

Your team will leave with a better understanding of how to deal with menopause and practical ways to confidently help themselves and those around them.

This training is relevant to all genders.

Format: 60- or 90-minute interactive workshop
Delivery: Available in-person or on Zoom

Back-to-back sessions available for Workshop 1 and 2.

Guest Speaker, Panellist
or Podcast Guest

Bring a dynamic voice and experienced perspective to your DE&I event. Passionate about sharing her insights and experience in career transition, talent development and creating inclusive work cultures, Victoria will inspire, engage and drive meaningful conversations with your audience.

Bespoke Masterclass

Looking for a tailored experience? Request a bespoke masterclass meticulously crafted to align perfectly with your organisation’s values and goals. Collaborate with Victoria to gain targeted insights, strategies and solutions for an impactful approach. 

What our clients say…

“It’s been a great session. Great menopause has become such a hot topic and there are tangible things we can all do as individuals and employers – thank you!”

I’ve learnt some new support techniques. Just texted my wife who is amazed the company is doing things like this.”


Victoria Mclean

About Victoria McLean

Victoria McLean has devoted her career to guiding organisations and professionals through career transition, development and management. Following a successful career in recruitment and roles at Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch, Victoria established award-winning, international career consultancy Hanover | City CV in 2009.

 An international keynote speaker on all things careers related and passionate advocate for women, Victoria regularly features in leading media sharing insights on her commitment to drive positive change in the workplace.

Let’s talk!

Find out how we can support your DE&I efforts during Menopause Awareness Month (… or any time of the year)? Get in touch to discuss what you need.