Executive & Board CV Writer
Lauren has extensive experience as a professional CV writer. She joined City CV in 2013 following a career at Macquarie Group, where she headed the Corporate Finance administrative team.
Lauren’s broad multi-sector knowledge and international in-house recruitment experience help transform clients’ career stories into attention-grabbing executive CVs. Her clients have gone on to secure senior roles in the Global 500, as well as major charities, NGOs, and public sector landscape, and many have worked with Lauren over a number of years as their careers progress to ExCo and Board level.
With a First-Class double Honours degree in English and a natural ability to engage clients, Lauren is an expert in Applicant Tracking Systems, well versed in the techniques needed to advance CVs past online recruitment stages. As well as CVs, executive biographies and covering letters, she delivers articulate and relevant LinkedIn profiles with significant SEO and keyword-search success.