
COSMOPOLITAN, 21 March 2024: ‘How to Become a Freelancer’

Below is a short excerpt.

If you’re toying with the idea of going freelance, but you’re not sure whether it’s a right fit for you, career coach Victoria McLean, CEO and founder of career consultancy City CV, thinks you really need to think it through.

“Since you’re the one in control, you’re also the one responsible – for finding work, paying bills and invoices, providing exceptional service, accounting, IT,” she says. “Self-discipline and motivation are crucial. Your income is likely to fluctuate, so you must consider if you can afford the troughs you’ll likely experience amongst the peaks.

“And while freelancing does offer flexibility, you also have to consider how you’ll maintain a work/life balance. It can be tempting to work all hours to get projects done.”

The article can be read in full here.

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