
Vodafone, 17 June 2024: ‘How to help your child find their first job’

Below is a short excerpt.

We all know the scenario. Your child is eager to land their first paying job and applies for posts that are advertised as ‘entry level’. All too soon, they find that ‘entry level’ does not mean that at all – they lose out every time to candidates with many years of experience.

In a competitive marketplace, how can young people overcome the conflicting facts that they do not have the experience they need to get a job – but need the job to get the experience?

It’s a situation that Victoria McLean, CEO of career consultancy City CV, calls a “classic Catch-22”. However, she believes that savvy young people, helped by their parents, can negotiate the difficult world of first jobs by being “creative and a bit resourceful”.

“Parents can play a crucial role,” she says, emphasising how their help with everything from interview practice to networking can improve a young person’s chances of employment success.

Here, experts explain how you can best support your child as they enter the working world.

The article can be read in full here.

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