Virtual interviews – 5 top tips for success

Virtual interviews – 5 top tips for success

Very few job interviews these days are conducted face-to-face. Virtual online interviews are commonplace. The coronavirus has accelerating the remote hiring trend. It’s forcing millions of us to change the way we live, work and are recruited. Leading investment banks...
Has redundancy finally lost its stigma?

Has redundancy finally lost its stigma?

We’re a positive bunch here at City CV, so in a recent team meeting (on Zoom of course) we were all asked to name one silver lining to the COVID-19 pandemic. The team’s top three silver linings were: Medical innovation Greater emphasis on work/life balance Less stigma...
10 ways to robot proof your CV

10 ways to robot proof your CV

Applying for lots of jobs but not getting to the interview stage is a familiar scenario for many job seekers. Around 75% of CVs are never even seen by a human, according to a study from job search services firm Preptel. Instead, they’re scanned (and often rejected) by...
Eradicating unproductive worry

Eradicating unproductive worry

2020/2021 – the year worry went viral. For most of us, the global pandemic means re-evaluating our priorities, adapting to a period of change and working flexibly while experiencing tighter rules and restrictions in other areas of our lives. Situations like...