In 1969, psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross wrote about the five stages of grief in her book “On Death and Dying.” Since then, the Kübler-Ross model has been applied in much wider contexts where change is imposed upon us - most recently, how people deal with (and...
How to support HR & managers through layoffs
Redundancy isn’t just about job loss - it affects many aspects of people’s lives. The shock of losing certainty, status, purpose and belonging can trigger stress and anxiety. For businesses, it can be one of the most difficult decisions to implement. While you can’t...
Making the transition from private practice to in-house lawyer
There are many differences between an in-house legal role and working in private practice. For example, most lawyers find that in-house culture, communications and hierarchies tend to be less formal. You’ll probably also have fewer support staff. Another big shift in...
The F-word: taking the fear out of furlough
If you’ve been furloughed, you might be going through a mix of emotions. Scared and unsettled. Relieved that you’ve got time off work to be with your family in these very strange circumstances. Concerned about whether you will have a job to go back to. Contemplative...
The F-word: taking the fear out of furlough
If you’ve been furloughed, you might be going through a mix of emotions. Scared and unsettled. Relieved that you’ve got time off work to be with your family in these very strange circumstances. Concerned about whether you will have a job to go back to. Contemplative...