Victoria McLean, founder of City CV has received a nomination for Best Sales & Marketing Resume in the annual Toast Of The Resume Industry (TORI) awards.
City CV are delighted to announce that their founder, Victoria McLean, has been nominated for the prestigious Toast of the Resume Industry (TORI) award. Hosted annually by Career Directors International, the TORIs were set up in 2000 to recognise and honour the cream of global CV writing talent. It’s a highly distinguished competition that not only showcases the best of the best across the industry, but also champions cutting edge CV writing.
Celebrating exceptional standards of excellence through rigorous criteria requirements, the TORIs embrace the concept of a standardised benchmark against which CV writers can be judged and assessed. All of which is great news for their clients who can rest assured that they are receiving nothing but the very highest levels of customer care and quality.

Direct quote from TORI Resume Industry Award Judge
“2011, it seems, has attracted a particularly high calibre of the applicant,” One of the TORI judges has said, “This year it was evident how much having the TORI competition has helped raise the bar on professional resume writing for our industry. The entries demonstrated outstanding quality, creativity and writing skills. Literally, we feel that the resumes that were entered this year which did not attain nomination were of the quality that they could easily have been winners last year. It was exceedingly impressive.”
It goes without saying, therefore, that it is a huge honour to be nominated but also a testament to the exceptional attention to detail that Victoria applies to her CV writing work. Winner announcements will take place in October.
A Certified Advanced Resume Writer and a Professional Employment Interview Coach, Victoria McLean has an academic background in Industrial Economics and over fifteen years of experience across the CV writing, interview coaching, recruitment and management arenas. This includes, working onsite as Recruiter and Recruitment Manager at two of the world’s largest Investment Banks; Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch. Having reviewed tens of thousands of CVs and conducted interviews on behalf of investment / retail banks, insurance giants, Big 4 accountancy firms, the Stock Exchange and Management Consultancies, Victoria has an understanding of what the employer is looking for in a CV and at interview. Her strength lies in her ability to draw out relevant experiences, competencies and achievements and translate these into a winning format both on paper and face to face. Victoria is a member of CDI, Career Directors International and of PARW, the Professional Association of Resume Writers.